Tuesday, 3 December 2013


Our second season of Quarterly Crafternoons starts here  with our Christmas inspired Crafternoon. 

11 TIL3.30

Here are the workshops as they stand right now. I am still chasing up a few leads so it may change! In the end we will all have an awesome time and make something, share something, drink something, eat something.

12 til 2- Melinda Duncan is hosting a Kanzashi Flower workshop with Yuletide inspired fabrics. A very pretty hand sewn flower to attach to a hair clip or brooch clasp or jazz up your gift wrapping. It could look a little something like this............ cute hey!
Red Snowflakes Fabric Flower Clip-red snowflake, kanzashi, fabric flower clip, christmas, holidays, hanna andersson
Found this cute little number here at this link http://www.pinterest.com/pin/529524868656966423/

11.30 til 12- Le (that's me!) will host a Tissue Paper Pom Pom session. It's so quick and easy I will show you how to use a primary school technique to make christmassy paper pom poms to adorn your space. 
It will look something like this ....

12.30 til 2.30 - I will host our usual beginners crochet workshop if there are enough takers. If not, I might do something else!!

Remember to bring your Show N Tell, a plate to share and a friend. Can't wait to see you all. 



It started with a wee little pic in the local paper of Melinda and myself chatting about patterns and crochet and stuff. It was a lovely little article about the beginnings of ICD (International Crochet Day) in our marvelous town.

With workshops confirmed (is there another word for 'workshops' that doesn't have the word 'work' in it??? 'Funshops' perhaps??? ) and me being super excited about Kay and Shara from Crumbz Craft coming to host the beginners crochet class,  Elma Young from Em Designs coming to host a creative flower necklace garland workshop and our own Melinda Duncan, creative diva, showing us how to crochet the cutest little doily earrings in the finest crochet cotton on the smallest hook, I couldn't wait.

Kay and Shara hosting a very full table of beginner enthusiasts.

Elma leading another full table of more experienced crocheters in a complicated pattern of flowers and vines

A very pretty display of Elma's gorgeous crochet creations

Some of Elma's more intricate work

The beginning of my teeny tiny crochet doily earring in Melinda's class
Our Show and Tell Table, thank you to everyone who bought their talking pieces along
Thank you Raelene Irvine for bringing your own collection of family heirloom hand-crocheted lace and your beautiful wedding dress
Thank you to the Warburton and Yarra junction Community Banks for your sponsorship which has allow the purchase of yarn and a wool winder- my son loved helping wind the balls of yarn for this event

After many cups of tea and pieces of cake, much stitching and laughter, there were some fantastic results at the end of the day.

Monday, 12 August 2013

INTERNATIONAL CROCHET DAY Thursday Septemeber 12th, 2013

It's nearly here! 
Thursday 12th September, 2013
Only 4 and half weeks to go and we'll be stitching, chatting, sipping, cakeing, learning, sharing, making, creating...... so much creativity for such a short amount of time!! Our second International Crochet Day gathering is fast approaching and it is only today that I have pulled head out of wedding planning land and got down and crafty with the organising of this fantastic event. Banners are being organised, flyers being created, workshops being confirmed and a new little promo on the community monitor in the Warburton Newsagent window has been emailed and hopefully my nieve attempts at the digital stuff are ok! 


 Now the exciting news about our sponsorship received from the Upper Yarra Community Enterprise is that it has finally landed and about to be spent on a number of wonderful things to promote and hopefully ensure the success and continuity of Quarterly Crafternoons and International Crochet Day. We are so grateful to the UYCE and to the wonderful Upper Yarra Arts Centre who provide the venue free of charge (link here).
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

 I loved the Sponsorship Application process  as it really made me think hard about where our crafty gatherings are heading and how we, as a community, can participate in and improve them. Mind you, I was absolutely terrified. I've never done anything like this before. I really was out of my comfort zone asking for money and having to put it in such an official proper way, however the Bendigo Bank provided such support and made the process quite easy. It has been so rewarding and really, it was the 'doing it for the greater good' that spurred me on. For every single person who has come to our gatherings, who gave me the encouragement to keep these events going, for every person who stopped me in the street to say thank you.  I took a big breathe out, trusted myself, engaged the advice of a dear friend to whom this is second nature and believed!
Now look below and see what happened.............. A couple of big, dull looking plastic bags arrived at the post office and I was bustingly excited. because in them was............................

 this...............Ohhhhh, new yarny goodness to share out at International Crochet Day. Fresh Spring colours to use in our workshops and to make squares for our Community Crochet Blanket. Didn't I just love opening those 3 new bags. Anticipating the colours and how it would feel. It's soft, it's cheery and it was affordable. You see I now also have a responsibility to spend this sponsorship money wisely. Just the right amount of yarn, just the right banners that promote the event and our beautiful Warburton, just the right crafty folk to run our workshops. It's ok though, I'm up for it. Trust me, I Crochet!!!! Ha, ha couldn't resist!

 Now a few other things quickly as I am on borrowed time with the children....... details of workshops for International Crochet Day are nearly confirmed. I am thrilled to announce Kay and Shara from Crumbz Craft
in Healesville will be running our Beginners Crochet workshop. These two wonderful women are such a great team with a wealth of experience between them and such patience to teach they are the perfect tutors to get you going in the world of crochet. There is another workshop to confirm and a few other goody things to organise. 
Oh and while I'm here I will ask that you bring along some crochet show 'n' tell for our display. Anything old or new as long as it's hand made. We love heirlooms and European crochet, op shop finds or last weeks project! I will leave you now with one of my latest projects......... hee hee I'm laughing already. 
It's my crocheted moustache, made especially for the gorgeous Naomi, barrista extraordinaire, at the Warburton Pantry !!!! I guess the message is Naomi, watch what you ask for!!!!! Anything is possible in crochet!!!

xx Le xx

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Yarn Bomb Pics

Ridiculously too long since my last post. Sorry to anyone who wanted to know hat happened to our yarn bomb. Well it went off, totally off!  Dakini and I had a great fun time stitching, as you can see. It was a beautiful sunny day and there was lots of chit chat on the way to our Royal Parade destination.
We were split into groups who each took on a section of about 15 trees. We sewed on many pieces and couldn't believe the amount of work and detail stitchers are prepared to put into yarn bombing pieces.

It's a labour of love and a lesson in letting go. For a few hours we were very visible in our VISY vests stitching each piece onto a numbered tree and putting a Yarn Corner tag on each piece. It was a glorious moment to be introduced to tree 64, our Quarterly Crafternoons assigned tree.

Many onlookers stopped to ask what we were doing, why were we doing it and to give much positive feedback, thumbs up and many toots!
The next day we were saddened just a bit to learn that overnight 26 pieces had been taken and within the week at least half of the 85 pieces had been removed by a Vic Roads employee acting out of their juristiction who believed that Vic Roads owned the trees and the project had not been approved by Vic Roads. The pieces removed had been cut to pieces and dragged through the mud.
We were shocked to read of such disrespect. But that's the letting go part of it all. Once it's on and we walk away, that's it. It no longer belongs to us, it belongs to the community and the powers that be.

The joy is in the creation and the almost-feeling-a-bit-naughty feeling of the installation. I'd do it again in a second!


Saturday, 8 June 2013

Royal Parade Yarn Bomb

It's done, it's made, it's bundled up in a bag and ready to be hugging a tree tomorrow morning. It's going to be freezing cold at 7.30am when I set off to pick up my bombing companion for the day and meet the Yarn Corner group in the city where we are assigned teams who will tackle a number of trees along the 2.5km stretch of inner city road to creatively beautify 85 big old glorious trees! 
How are you going to celebrate International Yarn Bombing Day on Sunday 9th June, 2013 ??

x Le x

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

June 12 Quarterly Crafternoons Gathering Is Just Around The Corner

Well folks, much to my astonishment, it's almost here again. We are just weeks away from our June gathering and I think this one has come around faster than any of our other gatherings. Perhaps it's the chaotic life I feel like I'm leading at the moment that gives me little time for anything other than living in the present moment! 
But I can say, thank you to Jenny Scammell who will be running our second workshop this time around and I am sooooo completely excited. I hope you all set aside the 12 til 2 time slot to sit with Jenny and make a gorgeous woolly infinity scarf that Jenny is writing out the pattern for. Scoot along to our Facebook page, Quarterly Crafternoons, to see pics and find out more. I'm yet to discuss yarn requirements with Jenny but stay tuned and I'll find out more and pass it on. 
There will be our usual Beginners Workshop and this time I will run it for a 2hour session as 1 is just not enough to walk away feeling confident that you can beat this 'I can't crochet' thing! You still have to practise at home though. When I first taught myself, I sat for 4hours straight and I did indeed end up with a granny square. A little wonky but it was a real, recognisable granny square. That was 4 hours I say!  
Meantime, if you're around in Warburton this weekend, come and say hello to me and talk some crochet talk while I sit at my stall at The Warby Artisans and Produce Market in the Mechanics Hall, 11-3 (on facebook too). This has become another milestone which to measure the passing of time. A once a month market stall certainly keeps me organised with a making goal each week. Though truthfully, I cram it all in the last week and keep my fingers crossed! Here's a pic of my scarflettes that have sold well and of course I have one for myself that keeps me feeling like I'm wearing a cuddle! It's quite lovely. And thank you to my beautiful man for making such gorgeous buttons upon my request.
Here's the market stall.....

And here's one commissioned for a friend of a friend. And she loved it too! 

So I guess I'll be seeing you all on Wednesday June 12th, 11am. Remember to bring your show and tell, a work in progress, a friend and an appetite for cake. 
With much love an anticipation

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Quarterly Crafternoons March- Done!

Well, that's it! Months of thinking and planning, hours of kit making and practice chicken sewing, baking and crafting and it's done and dusted. I am always delighted with everyone's response to this event. It seems to really strike a cord with our lovely local community and crafty folk come from down the line and across the valley to share time and skills in this beautiful building that is our historic Mechanics Institute.

Today we crafted little felt chickens from Myrtle and Eunice's gorgeous website, just in time for Easter. The plan was to crochet a little laid egg to go home with each Chicky but I think we got talking instead of crocheting and, well, that has to be left for everyone to make at home.

There was a varied spread of home baked goodness on colourful vintage crockery and the show and tell was just divine. Lacy shawls, crocheted cardies for the little ones of the world, cute granny square bags and soft as soft gloves and beanies. A dear friend had gifted me with beautiful bunting sewn from vintage fabrics and embroidered doilies which draped above the sewing machine. Hopefully we will hear the clickety clack of the sewing machine one day(it just sits there waiting patiently at the moment) and I'd really love to have someone do a screen printing workshop (for selfish reasons of course!).

It really is a great fun day. I seem to talk non stop and never get to finish a cuppa. I'm excited about the prospects of this gathering and I can see, with a little more input and possibly a funds grant, that this could go far. Ooh the thought of it gets my heart skipping at what it could be and who I could entice to carry some workshops.

So thank you everyone who came. Thank you for encouraging me to keep these gatherings coming and thanks to those who suggested I do this monthly. At the moment I can't commit to anymore than Quarterly and if it was monthly, then Monthly Crafternoons doesn't quite have the same ring as Quarterly Crafternoons now does it?

Monday, 11 March 2013

Ready To Go. Quarterly Crafternoons March, 2013

Notes all done. Patterns written. Kits made. Cakes baked. Colouring pages sorted. Show and tell chosen. Baskets packed. Samples tested. Decorations ready. All set to go. See you Wednesday 13th March, 11am. PS felt chicken craft kits for the 1.30 workshop will be available for purchase on the day for $3, that's pretty cheap cheap!!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

One Week To Go

It's nearly here, just one week to go until Quarterly Crafternoons March is here. I've been pulling my hair out trying to find crafting time lately. I even went on strike from my family chores last Sunday which didn't even get past breakfast- not happy!

I am, however, happy with my new purchase that arrived in the mail today. It's a new book! A new, gorgeously presented book with pages full of recipes for crafting and a tonne of inspiration. It's all granny goodness shoved between two beautifully adorned covers complete with crocheted tea cozy pattern, pom poms and doileys. It's been out for a little while but I was convinced I couldn't afford it and I was probably right but I had a weak moment and thought my deservedness out weighed the $20. I will, no doubt receive much more than $20 worth of complete and utter totally absorbed, lost in the pages, crafty imaginings from this little beauty.

Not to be distracted, Quarterly Crafternoons will start at 11am Wednesday 13th March at the Upper Yarra Art Centre, Warburton. From 12-1 will be the beginners crochet workshop, then from 1.30-2.30 well be hand sewing little felt chickies and crocheting Easter eggs.

Are you coming?

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Hello Everyone,
The last post I blogged intended for here ended up on my Idle Crafty Happiness blog somehow and I still haven't worked out why. By using a different avenue I hope this ends up where it should on Quarterly Crafternoons- fingers crossed.

A delicious Indian Banana Cake with Yoghurt Frosting found it's way to our cake table during our last gathering back in December and there were many requests for the recipe. It is from a book called 'Bake Your Cake and Eat It Too' by Tamara Milstein. I found it at a local shop years ago and absolutely every single cake I've made from it has been a winner. Most recipes require 250gm of butter, 1 1/2 cups of sugar and up to 6 eggs (what's the point otherwise?) and are divine.

I've been diligently working on our next gathering's workshop items which I will not share with you just yet. There has to be some element of surprise. Lets just say they are quick, easy, inexpensive and fitting for the Easter celebration that will be on us before we know it.

There's also another project I started on the weekend. I've had three items of clothing hanging around for more than a year with the intention of making something hooky with them. The pile of clothes you see are now cut into continuous lengths and are being hooked up into a completely different yet useful item. It's another pressie for my friend Em. I'm getting in early for her birthday this year. It will be on the show and tell table at our gathering on Wednesday March 13. I'll tell you what it's going to be when I see you!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

New Gatherings

Last post I promised pics of our community blanket progress and some ripply colours however, I have found myself outside quite early on a totally amazing summer morning with a sleeping toddler in said room where crochet bits and pieces lie and I am not going to interrupt either outside sitting or sleeping toddler to gather mentioned pieces. So I have pictured something else. This is a gift for my beautiful friend and blogging companion on Idle Crafty Happiness. She hasn't seen it yet and nor has she seen this blog so I can safely say it is an African Flower Pot holder made from the pattern on Crochet With Raymond which you can find on the link HERE. It purpose is to stop her beautiful new timber bench being scratched when we make tea. A place for the teapot to sit when we spin it 3 times to the right and once to the left! Don't we all do that??

Well the title of this post is New Gatherings, and whilst at work yesterday I decided I need more crocheting opportunities that involve my beautiful local friends and strangers I'm yet to meet. So I'm going to put it out there via the Quarterly Crafternoons avenue. How about we meet on the second Thursday of each month at Kitchen Boys from 5 until the kids can't stand it any more and just sit, crochet or sew or whatever and eat delicious Asian food??? Lets start on feb 7th. I'll be there, how about you? It'll be like a mini Quarterly Crafternoons gathering. Chatting, crafting, sharing, eating, watching the kids run around and enjoying community living. Would you let me know if you will come?
x Le x

Thursday, 10 January 2013


Yeay and Welcome everyone to the Quarterly Crafternoons blog. After much procrastination (of which i am very good at), I have given in and admitted it is nessecary for a blog to accompany our crafternoon gatherings. I am absolutely insane (yet totally yipeeing) as I feel my plate is very full yet here is something else for me to do! It is, also, something else for me to love, to nurture and to share with the crafting community.
I look forward to sharing what crafty goings on happen during our gatherings and this will be a great way to keep us all in the know.
Our next gathering is on Wednesday, March 13th at the Upper Yarra Art Centre and I am just starting to think about what workshop we can hold on the day. I will always do the beginners crochet workshop for as long as there is someone interested in learning. However I would like to include other crafts here as well. So if anyone would like to hold a workshop on the day, drop me a line and let's see what we can do.
Next post I will have some pictures of our Community Crochet Blanket pieces ready to be sewn together in some shape or form. It will come together quite organically and I can't wait!
PS- the above pic is of my wool stash after a sale at The Sassafras Wool Store. Oh my it was a wonderful sale and I picked up the most beautiful merino in all of these yummy colours of which eleven of them are being hooked into the most cuddliest rainbow ripple blankie. I'll give you a sneak  peak next time!
There's so much more to say but seeing its after midnight I shall tottle off to bed and wait until another golden opportunity arises.